Discipleship Groups

Operation Timothy

Operation Timothy is an opportunity for newer believers (referred to as Timothys), to enter into a one-on-one relationship with another believer who is further along in their walk with Christ (referred to as a Paul). Together they will study biblical principles leading to spiritual intimacy with God. The overall goal is to help Timothys mature in their faith over time so they can then become a Paul to disciple others.

If you would like to know more about Operation Timothy or becoming a Timothy or a Paul, please fill out the form below.


M2M Discipleship Journey

Coming January 2025

Discipleship Journey is comprised of discipleship groups of three or four believers who commit to getting together weekly to grow and flourish as disciples of Jesus and disciple-makers. The personal discipleship relationships they form with each other are focused on the gospel, the sharing of life-on-life experiences, and multiplication.

This study is based on the Jesus model, an in-depth view of the who, what, when, and whys of our Christian faith, involving an intentional commitment to know and be known by Jesus!! The disciples were not theologians, but their personal relationship with Jesus, who they loved dearly, is what moved them to go into all the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-19).

This is the Discipleship Journey! If you would like to know more about the M2M Discipleship Journey, please fill out the form below.
